Red imported fire ant

Red imported fire ant

Red imported fire ant Order: Hymenoptera Family: Formicidae Genus and species: Solenopsis invicta Buren The term fire ant refers to any of several red or yellow ants of the genus Solenopsis that can inflict a harsh sting. Six species of Solenopsis have been reported...
Black carpenter ant

Black carpenter ant

Black carpenter ant Order: Hymenoptera Family: Formicidae Genus and species: Camponotus pennsylvanicus (De Geer) Carpenter ants are named for their habit of hollowing out wood to produce nesting sites. They attract attention because of their generally large size,...
European Hornet

European Hornet

European Hornet Order: Hymenoptera Family: Vespidae Genus and species: Vespa crabro Linnaeus Arkansans will not be pleased to learn that large European hornets, Vespa crabro, have recently found a home and breeding grounds in the Ozarks of Northwest Arkansas. These...
Baldfaced hornet

Baldfaced hornet

Baldfaced hornet Order: Hymenoptera Family: Vespidae Genus and species: Dolichovespula maculata (Linnaeus) Dolichovespula maculata is called the baldfaced hornet because of its largely white face. The rest of the body is mostly black with some white markings, and the...
Red velvet ant; cow killer

Red velvet ant; cow killer

Red velvet ant; cow killer Order: Hymenoptera Family: Mutillidae Genus and species: Dasymutilla occidentalis (Linnaeus) Females of these wasps superficially resemble very large ants, up to an inch long. Like ants, they are wingless, but their antennae are not elbowed...