Carpenter bee

Carpenter bee

Carpenter bee Order: Hymenoptera Family: Apidae Genus and species: Xylocopa virginica (Linnaeus) Carpenter bees cause alarm because they are large insects –­­­ up to about an inch long – resembling bumble bees, the territorial males harass humans and other animals...
Organ-pipe mud-daubers

Organ-pipe mud-daubers

Organ-pipe mud-daubers Order: Hymenoptera Family: Sphecidae Genus and species: Trypoxylon politum Say Organ-pipe mud-dauber and nest Organ-pipe mud-dauber wasps occur in the eastern United States from Maine to Florida west to Kansas and Texas. Typically, females build...
Cicada killer

Cicada killer

Cicada killer Order: Hymenoptera Family: Sphecidae Genus and species: Sphecius speciosus (Drury) Cicada killers are large wasps, nearly 1 1/4″ long, resembling large yellow jackets or hornets. They are common throughout the United States east of the Rocky...
Red wasp

Red wasp

Red wasp Order: Hymenoptera Family: Vespidae Genus and species: Polistes carolina (Linnaeus) Red wasps are another common paper wasp species in Arkansas. The head and body are almost completely reddish-brown, thus the common name. The red body contrasts with black...
Ringed paper wasp

Ringed paper wasp

Ringed paper wasp Order: Hymenoptera Family: Vespidae Genus and species: Polistes annularis (Linnaeus) Polistes is a cosmopolitan genus of social wasps with more than 200 species worldwide. Fewer than 10 species are likely to occur in Arkansas, but they are a...