Nine-spotted lady beetle
Nine-spotted lady beetle Order: Coleoptera Family: Coccinellidae Genus and species: Coccinella novemnotata Herbst Ladybugs, also known as lady beetles or ladybird beetles, comprise nearly 500 species in the United States and Canada and several thousand species...
Sawtoothed grain beetle
Sawtoothed grain beetle Order: Coleoptera Family: Silvanidae Genus and species: Oryzaephilus surinamensis (Linnaeus) Both sawtoothed grain beetles and their close relatives, the merchant grain beetles (Oryzaephilus mercator (Fauvel)), are common stored-food product...
Foreign grain beetle
Foreign grain beetle Order: Coleoptera Family: Silvanidae Genus and species: Ahasverus advena (Waltl) Foreign grain beetles are brown and tiny, only about 1/16 of an inch long. They have two conspicuous and diagnostic round lobes on the prothorax right behind the...
Drugstore beetles
Drugstore beetles Order: Coleoptera Family: Anobiidae Genus and species: Stegobium paniceum (Linnaeus) The drugstore beetle has a worldwide distribution, and it is one of the most common household pests in Arkansas. The larvae, small white grubs that are rarely seen,...
Black larder beetle (Incinerator beetle)
Black larder beetle (Incinerator beetle) Order: Coleoptera Family: Dermestidae Genus and species: Dermestes ater De Geer The black larder beetle has a worldwide distribution. It feeds on various organic substances, especially dead insects and vertebrate carrion. It...
Odd beetle
Odd beetle Order: Coleoptera Family: Dermestidae Genus and species: Thylodrias contractus (Motschulsky) The aptly named odd beetle is the most bizarre member of the family Dermestidae. Males and females bear little resemblance to each other. Males average 2.9 mm long...
Variable carpet beetle
Variable carpet beetle Order: Coleoptera Family: Dermestidae Genus and species: Anthrenus verbasci (Linnaeus) The varied carpet beetle is a serious pest of stored organic products in homes, warehouses, and museums, and it has a virtually worldwide distribution. The...
Pennsylvania leatherwing
Pennsylvania leatherwing Order: Coleoptera Family: Cantharidae Genus and species:Chauliognathus pensylvanicus (De Geer) The Pennsylvania leatherwing is a distinctive orange and black beetle from the eastern United States, ranging as far west as Texas. Adults can be...
Glow-worm Order: Coleoptera Family: Phengodidae Genus and species: Phengodes spp. The term glow-worm is applied to the beetle families Phengodidae and Lampyridae. Both families contain species in which females are wingless and resemble larvae. Wingless females and...
Eastern Hercules beetle
Eastern Hercules beetle Order: Coleoptera Family: Scarabaeidae Genus and species: Dynastes tityus (Linnaeus) The eastern Hercules beetle is relatively common in Arkansas. It also occurs from southeastern New York south to Florida and from southern Illinois and Indiana...